This article presents you the evaluation of the lesson that I’ve before and my own teaching in terms of different aspects.These aspects are :achievement of learning objects,desing and implementation of tasks and act,classroom management teachers and learners language,evaluation of teaching.
A)Achievement of Learning Objectives
There is a reality we should consider in the first place is to reach most of the students,not some of them.In order to reach this strict rule,we should state the object clearly and design the tasks according to our students’ learning styles.As a result of my observations,Iknow my students their knowledge,capabilities,needs,interests,learning styles.When I go back to my lesson,I see that most of the objectives.I can say that the main aim and objectives of the lesson was appropriate fort he needs and profile of my students as well as the materials and the activities.
The main aim of my lesson is to develeop students’ knowledge of animals and habitats regarding three skills(using listening,speaking,writing skills).As a warm up activity,I choose a song with its video.I aimed to take students attention to the topic ,to involve them in the lesson ,the target language.Thanks to my 3D materials out of styrofoam.My students were eager to start the presentation part of the lesson.I prepared different habitats of animals before the lesson,these were the real toys that relates to their daily life.(reference).The follow –up act was based on speaking skill and the assesment included writing skill to see whether they can transfere the new oral knowledge into a written text.
Overall,my students are involved in the lesson,they participated eagerly,they had fun and they have learned the target language efficiently and in a meaningful context.This was one of the best lesoons of this term.
B)Design and implementation of tasks and activities.
The implemantation of a lesson should be in the most logical order to keep students attention and the coordination of the activities should be designed well.
Initially,I made an introduction:to the lesson with a song with its video.The students watched the video while listening to the song.This supports the opinion of Herbert PUCHTA and Günter GERNGROSS in their article: “the video is a medium which captivates their interests.Their attention is clerarly focused on the screen .There is a feeling of shared interets.There is more visual variation compared to the static representation in the book and last but not least.There is more auditory variation because they hear several voices and there are background noises and there is music.Extensive experience of teaching a foreign language to primary children clearly tells us that teaching stories with the help of a video is an extremely effective strategy which also makes life a lot easier for the teacher.” ( GERNGROSS,Günter & PUCHTA,Herbert
I kept the warm up and the presentation stages short because the Ss were eager to touch the materials and also I did so in order to use their attention spans efficiently as it is stated in the article:
"Preschool children have small attention spans so change your activities every five minutes or so because if they go longer than that, they'll start getting restless and you'll spend more time trying to keep their attention than actually doing the activity."(Vernon, Shelly,,)
In the presentation stage,I used 3D materials and toy animals to present the new language.First of all,I showed the habitats and talked about them.I kept this part short because,they already ahve the knowledge of animals from the previous year.I preferred to use 3D materials,because most of my students are visual learners.Also,using realia is efficent as they see the things that they use or play with in their free times,in their daily lives.This can create personalization and enables to the input in the language term memory.
I tried to use visuals and audial materials to take students' attention and added an activity that the students need to move , touch and feel the materials so as to reach all the students in the class. I believe Gardner's opinion that I've read in the article of Shelley Vernon which says:
"Gardner pinpoints different "intelligences" which are essentially learning styles. Everyone has a specific intelligence (or a few specific intelligences) that defines how he or she learns best. This means that in order to reach all the children in a classroom, different learning methods must be made available to them."
(Vernon, Shelly,,)
In the production stage,I called out students one by one,I asked them to choose an animal toy from toy basket and put it its own habitat and make a sentence.For instance;after placing the animals(lion)the student should say “ A lion lives in the forest.”Throughout this activity,I agve opportunity to all of my students to take turn.
I planned short and different activities in different styles in order to reach all of the students as it is stated in the article:
"Engage the children on multiple levels. This includes using fine and large motor movement, singing, talking, listening and looking. For example, you could have a game where the children need to move around the room to stand next to a picture or object of the word they heard you say. "
(Vernon, Shelly,,)
After having completed all the tasks,I conducted an assesment stage.I wanted to evaluate whether they can transfere their newly learned oral knowledge into a writen text.I did a dictation activity.By reading a story about the topic and asking them to write what they hear.
C) Classroom management
Especially in language classes,students shouldn’t be totaly free, the activities should be semi-controlled.Otherwise there may be a chaos in the classroom.Therefore we should set the tasks accordingly and have our own strategy for the energetic students because they may cause noise in the class or they concentrate on the lesson and can’t learn as it is stated in the article of Ricki LINKSMAN, “students when faced with several hour of desk work for which they are required to “sit still”,they tend to get up to sharpen their pencil several times,thay ask to g oto the restroom or they drop things,so they can get up to retrieve them,they will at least begin to move while in their seats: wiggling their legs,leaning back in their chairs,rocking,tapping their pencils.When these actions are also not acceptable,they may resort to misbehaviour as part of a psychological need to move.”(LINKSMAN, Ricki, my previous,lessons,I used a happy face and sad face chart to control the class.It worked at the beginning,but later they didn’t find it important.As a second strategy,I gave little letters when they obeyed the classroom rules and participated well.They put their letters in their class drawer in the hall(corridor)At the end of the week I checked the drawer,who has the most letters throughout the week,won a homepack including some toys,a story book and a notebook to draw pictures and write the summary of the story book.Also,the most succesful student got a student of the week card.This was efficent but after a while,they satrted to obey the rules just on Friday,because they got the homepack and the card on Friday.This time,I found different strategy but this is the biggest aword.I stil use the letters,homepack and card.In addition to these When they get five letters tehy win an ice cream sticker and stick it on their own column on the chart.(I prepared a chart,there are special column for each student.I put their photos and drew boxes under their photos.I also wrote the golden rules on it.So they always see The chart and never forget :It is hanged next to the blackboard.)By this way,they always obey the rules,tehy are generally quiet and they try to speak in English.These helped me to achieve my aims.
D)Teacher and Learner Language
While I am teaching the rules,sentence forms writing,and reading,I always try to improve the students speaking skills too.I try to let my students speak as much as possible to develeop their accuracy and fluency.During a second language learning process,speaking is the most diffiult skill and it‘s the one which should be improved well.I never use L1 in my class,therefore,I always encourage the usage of L2 (English)Morever, the ice-cream chart that I mentioned before in the classroom management part also works for this .The golden rule fort his ice-cream is to speak english in the classroom.In order to get lots of ice-cream stickers ,they always try to speak in English.Sometimes,they may have hard times.That’s why,I simplify my language and I don’t use technical words.For instance;instead of saying “Look at these flascards”, I say “Look at the pictures” I also use stres and intonation,this helps them understand easily.
E)Action Plan and Evaluation of teaching
This course (ICELT)enable to evaluate my own teaching,everytime I evaluate my own teaching,everytime.I evaluate myself.This helped met o improve myself in my proffesional development.This lesson is the prof of my development.This was one of the best lessons of this year.There was one of the best lessons of this year.There weren’t any problems except for the lesson plan.Also it was the best one,too.It was more detailed than the others that I did before.Still,I should put some more detailes.I should put The material or text I used in the lesson in the lesson plan. I will permit usage of L1 as it is stated in the article of Sue Swift :
“It can be used with beginners for pre-lesson small talk which allows the teacher to get to know the students as people, and for discussions to explain the course methodology etc. In addition, beginners will be less tense if they know they can at least ask for, and possibly receive, explanation in the L1. When students are trying to say something but having difficulty, they can say it in their own language and the teacher can reformulate it for them, possibly rephrasing and simplifying to show them how they could have expressed themselves within the language they already know.” (Swift, Sue )
- Vernon,Shelly,,)
- , sue swift
- GERNGROSS,Günter & PUCHTA,Herbert
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